




 Arundel Square

 Way-Marking Młynów


  Spajalica /hr


  Guslitsa /ru

  Interflugs Academy /de

  Urban Jealousy /rs

  Cwm Down to Shunt /uk

 TDK Suwałki

 Dalston Time Capsule

 ARTsakh Fest




 Tate Dispenser

 V&A Micro Museum

 Tate Display Bench

 Feast Table

 Konik Polny


/who we are

SONIC PONG (UV) - Installation at Cwm Down to Shunt, London 02-12 September 2009

Sonic-Pong joins Utrophia's Cwm Down to Shunt at London Bridge to bring a sound and light playing experience using a myriad of sounds collected from previous projects and UV lighting.