




 Arundel Square

  Feast Table

  >What makes a

   square wonderful?!


 Way-Marking Młynów


 TDK Suwałki

 Dalston Time Capsule

 ARTsakh Fest

  Exploratiory Walk







 Tate Dispenser

 V&A Micro Museum

 Tate Display Bench

 Feast Table

 Konik Polny


/who we are

CAST  Arundel Square/Islington London January 2009

In collaboration with The Building Exploratory and Islington Greenspace we have been working with local schools and their curriculum to exchange ideas, introduce new skills and promote the re-development of Arundel Square as an educational resource.

Cast, a public surface casting workshop, allowed children and adults with different needs and abilities to explore the site and its old building while recording and documenting their own patterns and objects of choice. The work was exhibited as a hoarding during construction of the new site.